Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Advice To My Younger Self

If I could give my younger self some advice, there is so much I would say, so I have compiled it into a list to share with all of you!

1. Quality > Quantity of friends ALWAYS

You could have a million friends, but if they aren’t true to you and you don’t feel like a better version of yourself after hanging out with them, it doesn't matter. I know I heard it a lot when I was younger, but it was such a hard lesson to learn. It is also okay to grow apart from friends who don’t support you anymore.

2. You get back what you put out

This is SO, SO true! If you are being positive and putting out good energy to other people, then you will have that same energy returned to you… but the same goes for the opposite. I know that it can be difficult to be positive in negative situations, but sometimes that positivity is what you and the people around you truly need.

3. Don’t be afraid to try new things

You never know what you might love or what you might be really good at, so don’t be afraid to try new things! Looking back, I was also so afraid of what other people would think of me if I tried something new, but in reality, I should have jumped at any chance I got to broaden my horizons. There are so many things I wish I would’ve experienced, but I let fear hold me back.

4. You will always be your own biggest critic

I couldn’t even count the number of times I would take a test, give a speech, or leave a contest room and swear that I did a horrible job. I would sit and pick at every little thing I know I could’ve done better or that I had practiced differently, but I assure you that nobody will ever be as harsh as you are on yourself.

5. It is okay to put yourself first

Sometimes all we need to function better is a break and some time to ourselves to recharge— it is more than okay to do that! It can be so hard to always be on the go, and sometimes it seems like there is no time left to do the little things you enjoy.

6. Cherish your time with the people you love

You never know how much time you have left with those around you or what moment may be the last, so make each moment count and cherish every second.

7. Every trial is a step on the way to success

Although setbacks seem to happen often, they are all in good time to prepare you for success. The most important thing is that when you are faced with adversity, you don’t give up; you continue to push forward.

With love,

Sienna Alexander

Indiana FFA State Reporter

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Stop The Clock

Time slips past like a fleeting breeze,

Whispering secrets through rustling trees.

One blink, the morning fades to noon,

Another, and night swallows the moon.

Yesterday lingers, a shadowed trace,

Yet tomorrow arrives in a breathless race.

The clock hands spin, they never wait,

Turning moments to memories far too late.

Laughter echoes, then drifts away,

Children grow and hair turns gray.

Seasons shift in a hurried stream,

Like waking up from a fleeting dream.

Oh, slow the clock, let moments stay,

Let golden hours not fade away.

Yet time moves on, both kind and cruel,

A rushing tide we cannot rule.

Stop the clock,

Ky Baker

Indiana FFA State Treasurer

Friday, February 14, 2025

The Countdown Is On

Who’s ready for everyone’s favorite week of the year? If you said you can’t WAIT for National FFA Week, you would be correct! 

Ever since I joined FFA, you could always find me counting down the days each and every year until National FFA Week came around. From my chapter’s third grade ag day in which my chapter’s officers would go to elementary schools in our county and share the story of agriculture to my chapter’s annual Culver’s share night, you can bet that this week was the best out of the year (and, of course, the free Culver’s custard made it even better). As I pursued district office in high school, I was fortunate enough to visit other chapters from around my district during FFA Week. As a state officer, it has been awesome to continue fulfilling my passion of seeing students in their own schools and how they are able to thrive in their chapters. I can’t wait to visit many more chapters next week as I celebrate alongside them!

However, what I’m most looking forward to is having my birthday during National FFA Week. Since my birthday is on February 18th, it falls during FFA Week each and every year. It has always been a blast to get double the amount of celebration on my birthday. I can’t wait to spend my special day with my 14,497 closest friends as I travel the state to celebrate National FFA Week. Man, it’s going to be a fun week filled with celebrating and advocating for our organization!

What are you most looking forward to this National FFA Week? Are you excited to spend time with your friends and FFAmily, to serve others, or to celebrate your hard work in FFA? No matter what we’re looking forward to, National FFA Week provides each and everyone of us with the opportunity to display our pride in our organization. FFA Week allows each of our over 1,000,000 members from around the nation to celebrate the unity that brings us all together. By sharing our pride with others, we will continue to make the National FFA Organization the premier youth leadership organization. This National FFA Week, I challenge you to take pride in your roots and to celebrate the inspiring future of our organization for years to come!

Counting down the days until next week,

Cale Williams

Indiana FFA State Southern Region Vice President

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Snow Day!

There’s no day like a snow day, in my opinion. You don’t have to go to school, and outside turns into a wintery playground for sledding, building snowmen, and, best of all, snowball fights. I’m not sure there's a better feeling than shaping the perfect snowball on a weekday during winter—especially when you don’t have to do schoolwork—and then hurling it at a sibling or friend. Despite all the fun, it wasn’t uncommon for disputes to break out, and snow days could end up wasted because we chose to argue instead of enjoying the snow.

I distinctly remember one snow day where everything came together for an epic snowball fight. It was the perfect January day for middle school Ethan. No school for me or my siblings, and my cousins didn’t have school either, so we all met up for what promised to be an unforgettable day of winter fun. It started with some sledding down a hill, but before long, one thing led to another and we were split into two teams, building forts and preparing snowballs for what seemed to be the greatest snowball fight the world would never see. Eventually, one side attacked before the other was ready, which set things off on the wrong foot, but by then, the battle had begun. Snowballs flew left and right, and I took a few good hits to the face. I shook it off and fought on.

Then, someone rammed into my team's fort, sparking a huge debate over whether that was even allowed. What had started as a fun snowball fight quickly turned into an argument. All of us were pretty competitive, so the idea of any unfair advantage was frustrating, but we were determined to win anyway we could. It looked like the fun snow day would end in a big argument, with bad attitudes all around, when my sisters—who I think were just tired of being hit with snowballs—reminded us that snow days like this didn’t come around often. They pointed out that we needed to quit arguing and start enjoying the moment together.

We, the cousins, had been so focused on winning the snowball fight that we lost sight of the bigger picture. But my sisters, whether just to stop the fighting or out of some wisdom, helped us realize that these moments didn’t come around often. We decided to end the snowball fight, put aside our differences, and do something else fun together. Since we still had that competitive spirit, we cleared a spot on a frozen lake to play some ice hockey. We spent the rest of the snow day enjoying ourselves, having so much fun we basically forgot about the argument because we chose to focus on having fun instead of arguing over things that didn’t matter.

In life—whether it’s a snow day or just a regular day at work or school—we can get upset over issues and problems that seem important at the moment. But when we choose to see the bigger picture and recognize that our days are limited, we can make the most of every opportunity and have a good time. The next time something frustrates you, try to put it into perspective, like a small snowball fight during a whole day of fun in the snow. You may find that the problems aren’t worth your time and that you can spend your energy on something more meaningful.

Enjoy your Snow Days,

Ethan Wolheter 

Indiana FFA State President

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

What Does FFA Stand For?

            What Does FFA Really Stand For? This is a question I’ve found myself answering many times, and it has prompted me to reflect on what those three letters mean to me. While many people still associate FFA with its original name, Future Farmers of America, the organization officially made a shift away from that in 1988. This shift got me thinking: what could FFA stand for in a more personal sense? 

For me, the first F represents Friendship. Some of my closest friendships have blossomed through FFA. Without this organization, I might never have met some truly amazing people who have enriched my life in countless ways. The bonds we form during events, meetings, and competitions create a unique camaraderie that’s hard to replicate elsewhere. 

The second F stands for Family. This concept resonates deeply with me, especially when I recall the Chaplain’s words during my chapter’s opening ceremonies: “In the FFA, we are one big family who loves each other.” These words have made me reflect on the importance of our community. FFA is not just about individual members; it’s about the collective support we receive from each other and our surrounding community. Without this network, we wouldn’t be the thriving organization we are today. To me, that community embodies the true spirit of family.

Finally, the A symbolizes Adversity. Throughout my time in FFA, I’ve faced my share of disappointments—whether it was not performing as well as I hoped in a contest, missing out on a desired office, or running for district and section director only to come up empty-handed. Yet, these challenges have taught me the value of perseverance. Each setback has only deepened my love for FFA and strengthened my resolve to keep pushing forward. 

In conclusion, while FFA may officially stand as an acronym, its true meaning goes far beyond that. For me, it embodies friendship, family, and the lessons learned through adversity—elements that have shaped my journey and continue to inspire me every day. What does FFA mean to you?

Find FFA's meaning,

Garrett Bolin
Indiana FFA State Sentinel

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

The Ferguson Family

“Home is where the heart is.” We have all heard this expression making it easy to believe it is overused. I remember hearing these words and thinking to myself “Yeah right. Home is where my family is, and my family is in Earl Park, Indiana.” I never believed I would find a home anywhere other than where I grew up.

That was until I stepped onto Oklahoma State University’s campus during spring break of my junior year of high school. When I got out of the car I felt a sense of excitement that I had never experienced before. At that moment, I knew this would be the best college visit I would ever experience.

As I toured the campus, I noticed a few things: the beauty of the buildings, Boone Pickens Stadium, the world’s largest student union, and the people. The people at Oklahoma State make this university more than any other college. Students would smile at you as they passed you on the street, hold the door open for you even when it inconvenienced them, and speak about their school with genuine love and pride. I soon recalled the handwritten note I received in the mail after I visited the OSU booth at National Convention. The people in Stillwater are through and through the nicest and most sincere people you will ever meet. 

The last stop of my tour was the Ferguson College of Agriculture. While I was there, I met with two ag ambassadors who tailored a tour specific to my interests. I wasn’t a number. I was special. As the ag ambassadors talked about Oklahoma State, they stated that the College of Agriculture was more than a collection of majors. It is a family. It is the Ferguson Family.  At that moment, I knew I found a home in Stillwater. I knew I belonged in the Ferguson Family. 

The Ferguson Family is more than just a college. It seems wherever I go, whatever livestock show I am at, FFA event, or agriculture conference, there is someone who always loves Oklahoma State as much as I do. These are the people I can count on for help and support because that is what families do for each other.

Home is not a place. Home is where there are people who make your heart feel like it belongs. Find your people.

Go Pokes!
Stephanie Berenda
Indiana FFA State Northern Region Vice President

Thursday, January 16, 2025

The Eye of the Storm

December is a whirlwind of celebrations, holiday stress, and endless to-do lists. February often marks the return of life’s chaos. But between those months in January–the eye of the storm, a chance to feel calm, reset, and have an empty slate.

To me January is peaceful; I love getting the chance to sit by the fireplace, watch Criminal Minds, and curl up with my heated blanket while the snow is falling outside. It’s a chance for me to refresh myself after a month full of stress while momentarily ignoring the impending future that is February.
It feels like a moment of quiet between lightning and thunder—a rare second to simply breathe.

I often want to linger in the peace that is the month of January, ignoring both sides of the storm: past and future. But I have to remind myself that the eye of the storm isn’t just a pause–it’s an opportunity.

An opportunity to push myself, to grow, to reflect on what I have done and what I want to achieve, and to take action on those insights. A chance to make new connections and nurture old ones. Most importantly, an opportunity to embrace life. Reflection often begins with gratitude—take a moment today to write down five things you’re thankful for, big or small. It’s a simple step toward embracing the good while preparing for the challenges ahead.

Reflect on the past, embrace the future, and enjoy the calm.

Embracing the eye of the storm,
Christina Caldwell
Indiana FFA State Secretary