Thursday, October 25, 2012

Creating your Environment

Tonight at the 85th National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana, we heard the retiring address of Western Region Vice-President, Seth Pratt. In his retiring address Seth stressed the importance of the environments we put ourselves in throughout our lives. Environments consist of what is in our surroundings, whether this be the people we are with, or the lifestyles we choose to live. As FFA members, we need to remembers this inspirational insight from Seth. We choose what environment to put ourselves in. If one does not like the environment they are in, then there is only one solution. You must build your own doing this one can better focus on their goal, reach their goal, and continue to be successful throughout their lives. The Indiana FFA State Officers will do just that, and we challenge you all to do the same! We hope to see you here in the final days of the National FFA Convention!

From FFA: Following the Future of Agriculture

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