Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Celebrating Tradition

    It’s official: the greatest fifteen days of summer are quickly approaching! Whether you're used to exhibiting livestock, riding rides, or visiting booths and exhibits, there is something for everyone at the GREAT Indiana State Fair. For my family, the state fair has established a long-lasting tradition over the course of three generations: my family has always shown pigs at the state fair. Since 1852, the Indiana State Fair has been providing families with their own personal traditions. One of my favorite traditions when visiting the state fair as a child was playing putt-putt in the FFA Pavilion with my brothers (for the record, I always won). While always stuck on the south side of the track in the swine barn, I would beg my parents each and every day to take me over to the FFA Pavilion to play a round of putt-putt. Most importantly, however, I always looked up to the members serving in the pavilion. I couldn’t wait until it was my turn to work in the pavilion as an FFA member myself. 

    This year, I have the unique opportunity to serve in the FFA Pavilion in a way I never deemed possible: working in it as an Indiana FFA State Officer. This experience will provide me with the opportunity to interact with the public and advocate to them on behalf of agriculture, agricultural education, and FFA. However, this opportunity isn’t just exclusive to me. Each Indiana FFA member has the ability to serve in the FFA Pavilion at the State Fair!

    Whether you have been to the Indiana State Fair and experienced the FFA Pavilion or not, you and your chapter are encouraged to sign up for your experience day at the state fair. If you apply, you are sure to learn something new, establish long-lasting friendships, and advocate for agriculture to the public while also having the opportunity to establish your own tradition.

    The Indiana State Fair and FFA Pavilion are full of tradition and YOU have the ability to be part of its enduring legacy. I have the chance to add a different perspective to my state fair traditions and I hope that countless Indiana FFA members will be a part of them. I encourage each of you to sign up today to afford yourself this educational experience and embrace a legacy that goes back for generations!

Celebrating tradition,
Cale Williams
Indiana FFA State Southern Region Vice President 

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Breaking Barriers and Building Relationships

There I was in the heart of South America, in the great Andes mountains, just outside of the highest capital city in the world, La Paz, Bolivia. At an elevation of 13,615 feet, more than twice that of Denver, I was lost…in a crowd of people. Not to be anticlimactic but I was looking around for my cousin, Cade, outside a church because I don’t know much Spanish and it was a little bit difficult to communicate with people. After finding Cade we made our way to my uncle when we stumbled into a man we will never forget. You see this was the fourth trip I had made to Bolivia, due to the fact that my uncle, aunt, and cousins lived there as missionaries making it an epic place to journey to. I had seen a lot in Bolivia through my first three trips but something I had never experienced was Easter there, which is the reason that I wound up where I was. 
    Now while we headed towards my uncle we came across a man who spoke to us in a native language that Cade couldn’t speak which led to an interesting conversation of trying to piece together the bits of Spanish and lots of laughter. This was undoubtedly the most entertaining conversation I can remember, especially with someone I just met. Later my uncle informed us that the man we had talked to was a well-known member of the congregation and that we could expect to see him more in the next few days. Every other time I made contact with him we waved and just started laughing, sometimes to the point where it was hard to breathe due to the altitude. I enjoyed every moment of seeing and greeting him despite not having a way to do much verbal communication. Those days I learned that the most exciting connections can be made no matter the barriers that may seem to be in the way.
    I will never forget that relationship I made when it seemed difficult to converse with anyone. With all this being said I encourage everyone to always be open to building new relationships no matter what the barriers there may seem to be, whether that be attempting to talk to someone who speaks an entirely different language in a foreign country or maybe a younger member in your FFA chapter that you think you have nothing in common with. You never know, breaking barriers and building relationships could lead you to unforgettable moments.

Break Barriers and Build Relationships,
Ethan Wolheter
Indiana FFA State President

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Coming Back Home

This past week I got the privilege of heading back home for my county fair with my team. As a team, we were asked to work the Johnson County Indiana Farm Bureau's milkshake booth. This was a far different experience than what I had ever had at this fair, however. 

Growing up I was never in 4-H so the fair to me was all about the rides. I loved riding these rides with my family growing up and I have fond memories of the midway with them. As I got into high school and joined FFA my freshman year, something that I got the honor of doing the summer of that freshman year was work at Indian Creek FFA’s Ice Cream booth where we served, what we had called “the kool thing”, homemade ice cream to the fair goers. I continued to work this booth throughout my FFA career and grew memories right there making ice cream alongside my teammates and friends. 

As I went back to my county fair this time in a different role as a state officer I got to do many different things and experience things I never thought I would. I watched my first queen contest ever, listened to my teammates' experiences with their animals at their fairs, and also experienced a fair for the first time as an adult. While I was working at the Farm Bureau’s booth I couldn't help but look over to Indian Creek FFA’s tent, watching the kids who are in the same shoes I once was in. I found myself thinking, “What does their fair experience look like compared to the experiences I have had? Where will their journey lead them in life?” I look back on my time inside that same exact tent and reflect on what my experience was like and how it helped me get to where I am today. Some of the best experiences I have had with supporters and members have come from inside that tent. Where you come from doesn't define you but what it does do is help you find your home. 

What the Johnson County Fair taught me was that my home wasn't my physical house or anything like that. It was the people around me, it was the FFA members that I had such a strong bond with, it was the mentors that helped me get to where I am today. I challenge you to think to yourself, who is my home?

Find your home,
Garrett Bolin
Indiana FFA Sentinel

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Records Are Meant to Be Broken

It is that time of year! We are in the midst of the county fair season. Most people look forward to their county fair to enjoy carnival rides, concerts, lemon shake-ups, or exhibiting their projects. My brothers and I, however, anticipated nothing more than my county’s Supreme Showmanship contest. Being the youngest sibling, I sat ringside watching my brothers dominate the showring. Both of my brothers acquired two county Supreme Showman titles meaning I had big shoes to fill.

I looked forward to the day when I could compete in the Supreme Showman contest just like my brothers did. As a fifth-year 4-H member, I secured a spot in the round-robin tournament representing the sheep barn while my brother, Hayden, represented the beef barn. Naturally, the sibling rivalry emerged stronger than ever. After spending every night that week working with fellow 4-H’ers to become more knowledgeable and a better showman, it was finally show day. Before the competition began, Hayden and I wished each other the best of luck and focused on the tasks that lay ahead. That year, I was named Newton County’s Supreme Showman. I had not only beaten my brother, but I started on my own journey. I developed one goal: beat my brothers’ record of two Supreme Showmanship titles. Throughout the past nine years of my 4-H career, I have acquired five Supreme Showmanship titles breaking not only my brothers’ records but my county’s record.

As a ten-year 4-H member, I have the opportunity to strive for another win. But I have come to a realization. I was motivated to set my goal so high because of the people who supported me. My brothers are my biggest supporters and coaches. As I near my end as a livestock exhibitor, I look to the younger members. I reflect on the example I am setting for them. As much as I enjoy achieving, I love watching others succeed.

The Newton County Supreme Showmanship record is five consecutive titles in a row. I set that record not only for myself but for generations to come. I understand this is a difficult record to beat, however, it is not impossible. I hope, one day, someone beats that record. After all, records are meant to be broken.

Break records,

Stephanie Berenda, Northern Region Vice President

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Introducing your Indiana FFA 2024-2025 State Officer Team!

Ethan Wolheter - Indiana FFA State President

Hello Indiana FFA! I am Ethan Wolheter and I am overwhelmingly excited to be serving as your

2024-2025 Indiana FFA State President. Proudly from LaGrange County in Northeast Indiana, I hail

from the Prairie Heights FFA Chapter and District 3. I have long worked in my family’s garden growing

all kinds of produce and being a vegetable enthusiast. I’m an avid sports fan, especially when it comes

to Purdue athletics. I’m a 3rd generation FFA member and am more than enthusiastic to meet all of you


Christina Caldwell - Indiana FFA State Secretary 

Hello Indiana FFA!! My name is Christina Caldwell and I am so excited to serve you this year as your

2024-25 State Secretary. I am a proud representative of the Connersville FFA chapter in District 9. I love

all things agriculture and love building relationships with all members no matter their background. I can't

wait to meet as many members as possible throughout this next year! I aim to spread joy like glitter to

everyone I meet! I can't wait to see all of y'all soon!

Stephanie Berenda - Indiana FFA State Northern Region Vice President

Indiana FFA, are you ready for an amazing year? I am Stephanie Berenda - your 2024-2025 Indiana FFA

State Northern Region Vice President. Although my hometown, Earl Park, is located in District IV, I

proudly call the South Newton FFA chapter and District I home. My love for agriculture started as a

young child playing Barbies in the cab of my father’s combine and working show cattle. Since then, my

love for our industry has expanded to advocation and diversification. I cannot wait to connect members

around the state. See you soon!

Cale Williams - Indiana FFA State Southern Region Vice President 

Hello Indiana FFA, my name is Cale Williams and I am beyond humbled to serve this year as your

2024-2025 Indiana FFA State Southern Region Vice President. I hail from the Terre Haute South FFA

Chapter in District VII and am from Cory, IN. Being a third-generation swine farmer, my family and I

are heavily invested in agriculture. Additionally, as a second-generation FFA member, my family is

deeply passionate about FFA. Throughout my four years of membership, I have participated in many

CDEs and LDEs, attended numerous state and national conferences, and have enjoyed my SAE

experiences. Aside from FFA, some of my greatest pastimes include showing pigs at the local, state,

and national levels; spending time with my family; and going to Disney World!! I can’t wait to spend my

year with each of you. Whether we meet in the FFA Pavilion at the State Fair or at a conference later in

the fall, I can’t wait to hear your stories and how they have shaped you into the amazing individuals you

are today. Let’s make this a great year, Indiana FFA!!

Ky Baker - Indiana FFA State Treasurer 

Hello Indiana FFA! I am so excited to get to know everyone. My name is Kyatalin Baker but I prefer

being called Ky, and I am from Switzerland County way down south in District 12. My FFA journey

started on my family's little farm and grew from there, I joined the second I was eligible. I have enjoyed

competing in numerous contests but my favorite has always been Chapter Meeting. Conferences are

going to be a blast this year because a little fun fact about me is that I LOVE to dance. Be ready for

some fun dance moves this year! I am so thrilled to serve as your 2024- 2025 Indiana FFA State


Sienna Alexander- Indiana FFA State Reporter

Hey Indiana FFA! My name is Sienna Alexander, proudly serving as your State Reporter. I come from

Monrovia, Indiana in District VIII. Although I am from a rural community, I am a first-generation FFA

member and have no agriculture background. During my year of service, I am most looking forward to

meeting all of the members, and helping others find their passion in an organization I am lucky enough

to call home! I joined my school’s FFA chapter in eighth grade knowing nothing about the organization,

but have since found my passion for agriculture and leadership! Outside of FFA, you may find me

spending time with my friends and family, swimming, or even competing in pageants! When I'm not

wearing the iconic blue corduroy you can almost guarantee to find me decked out in pink, or lots of bold

jewelry! I cannot wait to meet you all very soon!

Garrett Bolin - Indiana FFA State Sentinel

Hello Indiana FFA! I am beyond ecstatic to be able to have the opportunity to serve the over 14,000

members over the course of 2024-2025 as your Indiana FFA State Sentinel! I grew up in Johnson

County and got to call Indian Creek in District 8 my home. I didn’t grow up with a background in

agriculture, but when I heard about FFA during my freshman year, I knew I had to join. It was with FFA

that my love for agriculture blossomed to where it is today. Throughout my time in FFA, I realized that

FFA is for everyone, no matter their background. I competed in multiple CDEs and LDEs throughout

my four years of FFA, my favorite of which was the Chapter Meeting contest. Some things I love are

video games, the outdoors, fishing, hunting, and talking to new people. I am so blessed to call Indiana

FFA my home and I cannot wait to meet all of you over this next year!