Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Serving After the Blue Jacket

    The weight of the blue corduroy jacket brings a comforting sense to all members who wear it. A feeling that they belong in this organization. The jacket serves as a compass on their journey of membership. 

    The first FFA jacket I ever wore belonged to my brother Austin. I remember zipping up the jacket for the first time as it hugged me. I knew this jacket marked the start of my journey in FFA. I knew this jacket meant I had big shoes to fill.

    Austin acquired many leadership positions during his time in FFA as he led with others’ best interests at heart. Austin’s leadership tactics are that of a shepherd. The shepherd stands back while his lambs wander and discover for themselves. The lambs fail to realize the shepherd has been guiding them the entire time. A good shepherd stays with his lamb throughout the night enduring the same cold weather. He is not any better than those who depend on his guidance. 

    Austin was a servant leader to all Indiana FFA members as he served as Indiana FFA State Treasurer from 2018-2019. His passion for serving others did not cease when he hung up his jacket. Austin has since joined the United States National Guard. He is now a Ranger tabbed First Lieutenant, serving as an Infantry Platoon Leader. He is currently deployed exemplifying his servant leadership.

    I am very fortunate to watch Austin inspire countless people. Whether Austin was in the corduroy jacket or serving our country, my brother brings others to their fullest potential. Austin never expects any praise for his efforts as he has the modesty of a shepherd. He only wants to make a difference.

    Service does not end with your FFA membership. Service is a dedication to the world around you. FFA is only a stepping stone that marks the start of your commitment to service. Let your jacket guide you throughout your career in FFA. Let your experiences and values of our organization guide you in your next chapter of life.

    As I continue to look up to my older brother, I hope to be half the leader he is. Austin lives to serve just like the FFA motto suggests. A life of service is a life of purpose.

Living to serve,

Stephanie Berenda

Indiana FFA Northern Region Vice President


  1. Well said, Stephanie, well said!

  2. As an Alumni and one also zips up the same Uniform as your brother. The Uniform might change but the true passion and fire for Leadership hasn't
