Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Advice To My Younger Self

If I could give my younger self some advice, there is so much I would say, so I have compiled it into a list to share with all of you!

1. Quality > Quantity of friends ALWAYS

You could have a million friends, but if they aren’t true to you and you don’t feel like a better version of yourself after hanging out with them, it doesn't matter. I know I heard it a lot when I was younger, but it was such a hard lesson to learn. It is also okay to grow apart from friends who don’t support you anymore.

2. You get back what you put out

This is SO, SO true! If you are being positive and putting out good energy to other people, then you will have that same energy returned to you… but the same goes for the opposite. I know that it can be difficult to be positive in negative situations, but sometimes that positivity is what you and the people around you truly need.

3. Don’t be afraid to try new things

You never know what you might love or what you might be really good at, so don’t be afraid to try new things! Looking back, I was also so afraid of what other people would think of me if I tried something new, but in reality, I should have jumped at any chance I got to broaden my horizons. There are so many things I wish I would’ve experienced, but I let fear hold me back.

4. You will always be your own biggest critic

I couldn’t even count the number of times I would take a test, give a speech, or leave a contest room and swear that I did a horrible job. I would sit and pick at every little thing I know I could’ve done better or that I had practiced differently, but I assure you that nobody will ever be as harsh as you are on yourself.

5. It is okay to put yourself first

Sometimes all we need to function better is a break and some time to ourselves to recharge— it is more than okay to do that! It can be so hard to always be on the go, and sometimes it seems like there is no time left to do the little things you enjoy.

6. Cherish your time with the people you love

You never know how much time you have left with those around you or what moment may be the last, so make each moment count and cherish every second.

7. Every trial is a step on the way to success

Although setbacks seem to happen often, they are all in good time to prepare you for success. The most important thing is that when you are faced with adversity, you don’t give up; you continue to push forward.

With love,

Sienna Alexander

Indiana FFA State Reporter

1 comment:

  1. 🩷always be you!!! I think your amazing!!
