Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Different Strokes for Different Folks

Inspiration strikes when you least expect it. That has definitely been my motto for any great idea I have ever come up with. From District projects to the Corduroy Connect series we feature today, big ideas can strike suddenly and unexpectedly.

When I first thought about my blog for this week, my original idea was that I would describe my wisdom teeth removal. For those of you who didn’t know that, my surgery went great and I didn’t feel a thing. Some local anesthesia and lots of swelling later, I can hardly even remember having wisdom teeth. Unfortunately for you, the hilarious videos and descriptions of my post-surgery experience will wait for another time. The idea for this blog post actually came to me last week when I was helping Blayne (NRVP) paint the remaining panels of our FIRE Backdrop. While the painting itself wasn’t very interesting, the way Blayne and I went about painting struck me suddenly and unexpectedly.

While channeling our inner Picasso, Blayne would come through with wide brushstrokes and create a pattern in the paint. I would then finish up with smaller brushstrokes to cover the finer details around the edges. This dual action of our two paint brushes completed the entire image that we both had set out to create. When this whole thought process entered my mind, I knew right then and there what I wanted from my next blog post.

When it comes to completing a goal, we usually have two ways of approaching our task. Just like Blayne would come through and paint large sections of the panel, some of us will start off with a big idea or large image of what we want to create. Talking in aspirational terms and thinking of what the future holds, these individuals are known as “big idea” people. On the flip side, some of us will start working out the details and substance behind the idea just like I would come through with smaller paint strokes to cover the edges. Working out the factual side and thinking through all the angles, these individuals are known as the “finer detail” people.

           We need both of these people to work in harmony to create the whole image. You can’t complete a project without having that first big idea. At the same time, you can’t see a project through to the very end without taking care of the finer details. Both types of people must work together if we want to reach that final destination. However, we shouldn’t restrict ourselves to one type or the other. A true growth opportunity can be found when a big idea person is tasked with touching up a project or a finer details person is asked to put a message behind a mission. Never feel like you can’t try out different roles. Push yourself out of what’s comfortable and embrac
e a new style. Fill the painting of life with large brushstrokes and fine edges. You’ll never be disappointed by the whole image.

Warm Wishes,

Derick Williams

Indiana FFA State Reporter

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