Thanksgiving goes beyond indulging in delicious food; it is a time to express gratitude and come together with loved ones. Often, I forget to reflect on all the things I am thankful for, so here is a list of all the things I have been thankful for over the past year. 1. Family My family has been my unwavering support system. They have stood by my side through every triumph and setback since day one. Their constant encouragement, unwavering belief in me, and refusal to let me give up on my dreams have been the driving forces in my life. I cherish them more than anything in the world.
2. Friends 3. My team Living with six other teenagers in one house has presented its fair share of challenges. However, these challenges have been positive ones. Whether it's the friendly battles between the boys and girls late at night or the never-ending pile of dishes in the sink, I am grateful for each and every one of them. Their support has meant the world to me.
4. Jesus 5. Oklahoma State My love for the Oklahoma State Cowboys runs deep, but the supportive community surrounding the university is even stronger. When I shared the news of my State Office achievement, OSU showed immense support and encouragement for my year of service. I am excited to see what the future holds as a Cowboy.
6. This Organization These are just a few highlights of all the things I am thankful for! Throughout this year I have been reminded to never take anything for granted and always enjoy the moment. Be thankful for everything this season.
Thankful always, Tanner Weakley
I’m thankful for you!!