Friday, October 21, 2011

Finding your dreams and friends

The lights dim and the anticipation builds as FFA members all the way from the front row to the top of Conseco Fieldhouse can hear our National FFA President yell “It is time for the Fifth General Session of this, the 84th National FFA convention!” This may seem like a regular convention session for you, but for me it was completely and undoubtedly stellar! My friend, and your National FFA Southern Region Vice-President, Mr. James Flatt gave his retiring address. The thing about my friend James is that if you randomly meet him on the side of the street you would think What a relaxed gentleman from the south but once you really start to know him you would know that he is crazily enthusiastic, energetic, passionate and loving! Through his retiring address, he brought me back to my favorite childhood television series, Winnie the Pooh! It focused on our personal reaction to the things that happen to you in life you can be like tiger and spring into action or like Eeyore and be passive. If you didn’t catch his speech, I ask that you go to and watch it. After his speech the National officer candidates from over 38 different states introduced themselves on stage. My best friend and the 2010-2011 Northern Region Vice-President Morgan Gadd, from our outstanding Hoosier state is still in the running for National FFA office! You have probably seen her on Hoosier Ag today, Agrinews and countless other media sources. Many would say that she is energetic, passionate, caring, sincere, and probably one of the finest extemporaneous speakers around; but she is more than that. She is a friend that will be there no matter what time of day, She is an individual that will never cease to amaze you on her skills and her love for life. Please keep her in your thoughts tomorrow as she discovers what her life will consist of in the coming year. Until we meet again; Laugh daily, Love often, and smile constantly

2011-2012 Indiana FFA State Reporter

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